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About Santa's Christmas Charities 

Santa's Christmas Charities is a not-for-profit corporation with a mission of annually providing funds to select children’s charities throughout the Chicagoland area. We are dedicated to making a significant impact on the lives of children and families who are in need. 

Building on the success of Team Doyle Hulsey (TDH) Santa that started in 2020, Mortgage Matt Doyle founded the organization in 2023 as a way to continue spreading holiday cheer throughout the community he loves so dearly. 

Santa and his Board of Elves will be inviting all this year's sponsors to our Holly Jolly January Jubilee in January 2025, where we will distribute funds raised during Santa’s Holly Jolly Sleigh Tour to the following deserving charities focused on children, families, and those that tell their stories.

Santa's Slight Tour power companies
About Mortgage Matt Doyle
IBEW Local 701
CoDo Marketing

Power Forward DuPage
The Branch Moms Community
Career & Networking Center
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